Welcome to www.PA1RMY.nl



Who am I?


Let me introduce myself. I am Ron van der Meij, born (1964) in Leidschendam and now living in Gouda (JO22EC), the Netherlands.

I'm from a family of hamradio amateurs: My father, Jan sr., PAØMEY (SK 2004), my brother Jan jr., PAØJMY (www.triple1.eu), and my other brother Ton, PA2AMY.



From left to right: Jan Sr. PAØMEY, Ron PA1RMY, Jan Jr. PAØJMY, Ton PA2AMY
This photo was taken on March 10th,  2001


My main interest is HF. Mainly PSK and FT-8 and mainly on the "quiet" WARC-bands: 30, 17 and 12 Mtr.
I'm also active with FT-8 on 2 mtr., 70 and 23 cm.


My other hobby is "my" football-club ADO Den Haag (www.adodenhaag.nl). As seasonticket holder, I attend, together with my son,
all home games.

Also worthwhile, might be my collection of hamradio stamps.
As far as I know, only a few are missing.


Always interestingsmile my toys:

At home: Icom IC-7300 for HF + 50 & 70 MHz and an Icom IC-9700 for 2, 70 & 23 cm.
So from 160 meter up to 23 cm are covered... (In radios, not in antennas...)
As HF antenna I'm using a MFJ-1788 Magnetic loop (40 - 15 Metres) and a HyEndFed for 10, 20 and 40 mtrs (11,85 mtr long).
For 2, 70 & 23 cm, a Diamond X600A triband antenna.
A Halo antenna for 4 metres, completes my antenna-farm.


And I have loads of radio's to play around with.
After playing around with them, I do sell them sometimes. Please check my FOR SALE page...

In my car I use a Yaesu FTM-100 (Yaesu System Fusion). The antenna is a Nagoya NL-350 (2/70).

For portable purposes I use a Alinco DJ-G7 (2, 70 & 23), a Yaesu FT-817, a Yaesu Ft-70 and a TYT MD-380 (DMR).
My DMR ID is 2042130

I'm a member of several DIGI-mode groups:
EPC # 4886 NL12, DMC # 1649 and 30MDG # 1442

I'm member of the VRZAARRL and DARU.

If you want to contact me, please feel free to send me an Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..




