Good working remote unit for Ascom SE-550 or Condor 3000 transceiver.
Attach one part to the transceiver, the other part to the head.
Comes without cable, it a straight 15 core cable.
Weight: < 2 kg
Price: GBP 6.00 / USD 8.50 / € 8.00
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I will charge you the real shippingcosts.
Please see the Shippingcost page.
Hosiden HLM8302 (LPB001) LCD display.
Removed from working equipment.
Worldwide (non-trackable) shipping.
Other options available, please email for details.
Multiple shipment discount
Price: GBP 5.00 / USD 7.50 / € 7.00
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Alcatel ATR-680 (9211MA C) VHF transceiver.
Programmed and alligned on 2 mtr hamradio band (144.800 - 145.9875)
In good working conditions.
80 Channels. 12 Watt RF output.
No microphone, nor speaker, but I will supply connecting details
Weight: 2 - 5 kg
Price: GBP 15.00 or USD 20.00
Shipping costs depend on destination, please email for costs.
I will charge you the real shippingcosts.
Please see the Shippingcost page.
AP-2000 VHF transceiver
In working condition.
Working on 160.570 MHz (10 Watt) , frequency can be changed with dipswitches.
Complete with:
Mouning bracket
Peiker Microphone
Peiker speaker
Weight: 2 - 5 kg
Price: GBP 10.00 / USD 15.00 / € 12.50
Interested? Please mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
I will charge you the real shippingcosts.
Please see the Shippingcost page.
Mitsubishi M57704L 13 Watt, UHF Power module.
Removed from working equipment.
Worldwide shipping
Price: GBP 7.50 / USD 10.00 / € 9.00
Shipping costs depend on destination, please email for costs.